Premier Flooring Store in Vancouver, WA

Discover premium flooring solutions at Floor City, the leading flooring store in Vancouver, WA. Offering a wide selection of top-quality carpets, hardwood, laminate, vinyl, and tile flooring, we cater to homeowners and contractors alike. Our expert team provides personalized service to help you find the perfect flooring to match your style and budget. Conveniently located in Vancouver, Washington, we pride ourselves on exceptional customer service and competitive pricing. Visit Floor City today to transform your space with the finest flooring options available in the Pacific Northwest.

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0% Financing, Buy Now Pay Later!

We have partnered with Affirm to offer up to 12 months financing with no-interest.


Yes, we can typically price match any online price if you can provide a copy of the competing quote. Unlike other companies, we try to have our lowest price offered on the first quote. If ordering a large quantity of flooring, we can provide additional discounts. Since we have a great relationship with most manufacturers, these special prices come directly from our representatives. If you are able to wait for a custom quote, we are willing to provide you with the best possible price.

Only for orders that ship to a state that charges sales tax. If you pickup in Portland, Oregon. We do not charge sales tax.

All materials are available for pickup in Portland, Oregon at several warehouse facilities. After you place your order, you or the contactor can pick up materials.

Delivery is based on the size of your order. A custom rate will be provided at the time or your quote. We also offer free pickup in Portland, Oregon at our supply warehouse.

We always aim for make sure our customers love our products, but if you do need to return an order, we’re happy to help. Please read our return/shipping policy for more details. No accessories like glue or trims can be returned unless provided special written permissions. All returns are subject to a restocking/cancellation fee.