Forbo Coral Entrance Flooring

A good quality entrance matting system is vital for modern building design. By stopping up to 95% of walked-in dirt and moisture, our Coral entrance floors can reduce cleaning costs by up to 65% and greatly reduce the risk of slipping.
Coral Entrance Advantages
Delivers superior performance in even the toughest environments. Whether facing rain, snow, sand, or soil, Coral keeps the outside from getting inside. Coral entrance floors are highly functional and through their large design options always form an integral part of the building's design scheme.
Coral Entrance Flooring has been the international market leader in textile entrance flooring for almost 50 years and now offers you more choices than ever before. Each range in the collection has been designed to deal with different soiling behavior as every entrance is unique and has its requirements. All Coral ranges achieve the highest 'wear use' classification for a textile floor covering: class 33.
The Forbo Coral product range includes Coral Brush Pure / Blend, Coral Classic, Coral Duo, and Coral Grip.
Coral Entrance Systems offers an exceptionally versatile range of “clean-off” entrance system products, each performing a specific cleaning function. Each Coral range has been designed for all types of entrances. Coral Brush Pure / Blend simultaneously absorbs moisture and removes dry soiling. Coral Classic can absorb almost 50% of the foot-borne moisture along with special scraping monofilament yarns which actively scrape dirt off the soles of shoes. Coral Duo retains 10% more dirt in the first few meters than any other textile entrance flooring system, combining Coral Brush and Coral Classic in design.